Sunday, October 10, 2010

Session 7

Session 7 was a continuation of the topic on BioBusiness Revolution. For this week, the focus shifted on to Agribiology, Environmental life sciences and also Industrial biotechnology. Genetically modified foods and biofuels were some of the aspects of the biobusiness revolution that we discussed.

The quote by Norman Borlaug, “Civilization as we know today could not have evolved, no can it survive, without an adequate food supply”, is a fitting observation. It is only when the basic needs of society are able to be met that it would be able to progress. Another term that were introduced to the class was bioremediation which was the usage of biological methods to clean up industrial waste.

The presentation of corn based ethanol fuel was interesting and it covered the reasons behind how Brazil was able to switch to ethanol fuel but USA was not. Personally I feel that biofuels are indeed a very good alternative energy source as this energy source is fully compatible with present fuel and engine technology1. The downside to biofuels are similar to most other forms of renewable energy sources available today, which is the incredibly large amount of space needed to generate sufficient amounts energy.

I felt the topic on achieving food security could be discussed further

Personal Rating: 7/10

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